Friday 29 June 2012

The Touch of Faith

I have many wonderful friends who collect their clothes at the change of season and clear out their cupboards and pass their unwanted things on to me so that I can, in turn, pass them on to people who really need these once loved possessions – people who have so little having left everything behind in their search for a better life.

There are many agencies and funds that help the needy, but I am committed to Mother Teresa’s centre in downtown Athens. I took a car load of assorted things the other day, clothes, toys, household stuff, and, as always was so touched by the love of the Sisters who feed so many hungry mouths every day, send meals to those who cannot come to the kitchen, give comfort and help to anyone who asks.

These young nuns, in their customary blue edged white habits, all of them from India but coping with life in Greece and the immigrants they care for, always have a ready gentle smile which is a Blessing in itself. They know how to be strict as there are rules about distribution of supplies and it’s not a free for all – everyone gets a chance to get what they need – and it is all done with such love and kindness and respect for fellow human beings that I always leave feeling a mixture of emotions, sadness, shame at my own failings, sorrow for these people who have left their families hoping for something unobtainable in their own countries or just the chance to send help home, but somehow knowing that with God’s help through these Sisters there is Hope. Whilst there are people to help with love and compassion, there has to be Hope.

Mother Teresa is credited with many wonderful sayings. My favourites are

“Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love”

“Peace begins with a smile”

“God doesn’t require us to succeed, only that we should try”

And as I have a very special relationship with my Guardian Angel who watches over me every minute of every day and night and whom I have sorely tested on many occasions:

“Never travel faster than your Guardian Angel can fly”

No recipes from the Coscoros Kitchen today apart from urging you to mix up a brew of love, understanding, compassion and tolerance in equal quantities and sip from it regularly!

Wishing you sunshine, and love, and Hope, whatever the weather.

Agapanthos from my garden - aka Love Flower - no coincidence that I chose it!

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