Wednesday 20 June 2012

You too can be a happy granny

Although already a “step” grandma to two adorable little boys I am soon to be a fully fledged, card-carrying granny to my son and his wife’s first baby – another boy.

All my granny girl friends have been giving me advice on this special job and they have all, without exception, become completely dotty about their grandchildren which clearly is par for the course and I look forward to becoming dotty with them!

Being a grandparent is nothing at all like being a parent and I don’t mean simply that you can hand the child back to its parents at the end of the visit: today’s parents do things quite differently from when they were brought up (by us) – not better or worse, just differently. But the world is a different place – is it true that all babies are provided with a cell phone and IPad at birth before they can leave the hospital? From the moment the baby goes home – in a regulation car seat instead of cradled in its mother’s arms – very little is as I remember it.

I discovered a website that is there to help all new and existing grandparents, mainly in the USA but the ideas and products etc must be available in many countries, help them negotiate the complicated mine field of getting it right with ones daughter or daughter in law and not being old fashioned.  The name of the website confused me at first as I thought originally it was something delicious to eat! Check it out if you have or are planning to have grandchildren 

I am sure you will find it enlightening, helpful and extensive in its coverage of so many facets of being a grandparent – I know it will be of use to me and I shall be the most perfect granny of all time – dotty like all the rest (including the editor of this site!) but prepared for all eventualities.

Wishing you sunshine, and happy babies, whatever the weather.

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